Saturday, February 24, 2007

One day at a time...

An amazing movie is about to hit the world this year. It's called Pregnant in america. Pregnant in America examines the betrayal of humanity's greatest gift--birth--by the greed of U.S. corporations. Hospitals, insurance companies and other members of the healthcare industry have all pushed aside the best care of our infants and mothers to play the power game of raking in huge profits.

His wife pregnant, first-time filmmaker Steve Buonaugurio sets out to create a film that will expose the underside of the U.S. childbirth industry and help end its neglectful exploitation of pregnancy and birth.

Go see it when it's out. BTW - IT"S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!

1 comment:

j. wilson said...

happy belated birthday mama! whoo-hoo! it was your birthday, now yer older, it was yer birthday and now yer